Band-Infos, Cover-Sets
und Hörbeispiele vom Soundtrack zum Film.
Band information, cover
sets and preview samples from the movie soundtrack.
Dies ist der offizielle
Soundtrack zu "DAMNATUS - Der Feind im Innern".
Die sechzehn Songs wurden von den entsprechenden Bands/Labels
mit freundlicher Erlaubnis zur Verfügung gestellt.
Es ist gestattet und erwünscht den Soundtrack zu duplizieren
und zu verbreiten, jedoch nur in seiner Gesamtheit, nicht in
einzelnen Bestandteilen. Kommerzieller Gebrauch ist strengstens
This is the official
soundtrack of "DAMNATUS - The Enemy Within".
These sixteen songs are provided by courtesy of the appropriate
It is absolutely allowed and welcomed to copy and publish this
soundtrack but only as a whole. It is not allowed to copy and
publish single elements. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
[ MP3 | 192 kbps | 79 min | 120 MB | ZIP ]
DAMNATUS is an unofficial film project based
on the tabletop game WARHAMMER 40.000 by Games
No commercial use intended. This is a movie forged BY fans and
FOR fans of WARHAMMER 40.000!
If you have questions about our project or this website, feel
free to contact the webmasters.
The copyright for all forms of media on this site is the exclusive
property of the DAMNATUS crew. All rights reserved with the exception
of the usage of Games Workshop's trademarks
and its intellectual